HP RDX Video - Could HP RDX Disk based backup be right for your business

Enterprise RDX Removable Disk Storage Solutions

Make RDX Part of Your Storage System

As computing continues to evolve into the next decade, new architectures are being deployed more widely including virtualization, software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, just to name a few. These new computing paradigms along with traditional distributed systems within your data centers generate ever growing amounts of data, which adds to the complexity of data management across your organization as data is a top asset for all organizations. Loss of data causes business interruptions which cost time and money. Large enterprises find that they not only have more and more data to retain and protect — but the mandated retention periods are longer. Large footprint files such as scanned documents, high resolution medical images and surveillance videos require additional technology considerations for retention.  And, today data centers face urgent demands for speedy back-ups, accurate data archiving, and cost-effective disaster recovery to remedy events such as data losses, regulatory demands and legal discoveries.

Data Protection for Regulatory Compliance

Organizations are subject to new and growing regulatory compliance requirements that govern data retention and accessibility such as HIPAA, SEC Rule 17a-4(f) and Department of Defense (DOD) 5015.2. Global organizations face added complexity as a result of regulatory differences among governing bodies. According to a The Gartner Group estimate, there are over 14,000 unique regulatory compliance regulations governing data retention and accessibility worldwide. Gartner cited that a regulation of one country requires medical data to be retained for the life of the individual plus 20 years. Medical records for a child having an MRI may very well be required to be kept for 100 years.

Data Privacy, Data Recovery

These requirements pose many challenges, physical and technological, to overcome to effectively retain, protect and recover data.  Cohasset Associates conducted a study in which they confirmed that RDX Removable Disk Technology meets: All relevant requirements of the SEC Rule 17a-4(f) that regulates the storage, retrieval and management of electronic records for members, brokers or dealers and selected requirements set forth in other regulatory and electronic records standards.

The Health Information Protection and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security requirements related to record confidentiality can be met with RDX technology and the record destruction requirements of the Department of Defense (DOD) 5015.2, Design criteria standard for electronic Records Management software applications, Version 2. are also covered.

High Performance, Low Cost

RDX removable disk technology’s high-performance, enterprise-class data protection and low cost meet the reliability and business requirements for all backup and data retention applications — from the desktop to enterprise class servers. Large enterprises may consolidate their tier-2 data back-up and tier-3 data archive & retention onto a single scalable media using RDX-based solutions. RDX technology capitalizes on the best characteristics of both tape and disk:

  • Tape — removability, portability, and low cost

  • Disk — fast data transfer rates and random access

  • RDX combines the best of both into one solution

Fast Data Recovery

The RDX media is a disk drive that operates just like a tape drive and sustains up to 45MB-per-second data transfer rate and backs up over 100GB in just one hour.The RDX media is randomly accessed so stored files can be immediately retrieved. Single files and selected volumes can be restored in seconds. The native storage capacity of an RDX cartridge is up to 1 TB and the archival life is more than 30 years.